Monday, February 9, 2009

Decisions & more Decisions

Ok so like I previously had stated I lead a pretty boring life, I guess you can call it boring, I mean the kids keep me on my toes and the pets do to but other than that not much happens, that is until this weekend.

And nope not what you think, I wish, but nothing romantic will be happening, my husband kinda isn't good with romantic stuff, last year he forgot it was Valentines day, and even though it's just another day, would of been nice to at least say Happy Valentines Day. So I don't expect much from him anyway for this year so I am making plans for me!

Here is the dilemma, I have a friend who plays in a basket ball team and he will be playing this coming Friday in NYC, I have not seen him in so long I would love to take the kids to see him, but this would mean me, 2 kids, and NYC but I bet I can ask my brother to come and he would be more than willing to coming with. Then Saturday a friend of mine, ok so I have never met her in person but I consider her a friend, is flying from Cali to PA and I want to meet her! It's not like it's going to happen again any time soon or who knows when!

So here is the issue I never do anything alone really, and when I mentioned this to my husband he was all "does it have to be this weekend?" well lets see, umm yes, and it's not cause it's Valentines day and he's planning something, oh nooooo it's cause his boss is getting a new car and his bosses old car goes to him now, company car, so he has to drive all the way to another state, stay the night on Friday and come back on Saturday.

So I don't know what to do.

Seems silly to be the age I am and think I am a kid!

Add to that a pain I have on my side and not smoking, I am one grumpy person right NOW!

That is all.

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