Friday, October 30, 2009

Unhappy Endding

On October 9, 2009 at the AMC theater parking lot in Edison NJ, a small crowed gathered around a car. I saw this and asked what was wrong and was told there was a kitten under a car. Well what do you think I did? go away from a frighten cat? NEVER! So after speaking to the rude and in my opinion, plain uncaring animal "control" man *coughs Ed* who did not have a trap, cat food or even a flash light, and told me to "you have to get out of here" I went above his head, no clue who he was messing with.

I looked, didn't see the kitten so I did what I would do, got under the car, in nice clothes and heel. I got my husband to get the jack and after getting the car higher, searching and searching the kitten was above the tire under the lining of some car part I don't know the name of, I reached up and in and got the "ferocious" beast out. It was this tiny little black kitten, so scared and small. I wanted to just bring him home but the man told me I couldn't, by law.

I called the next day to find out when the kitty would be ready for adoption since they Edison Shelter is a kill shelter and I have heard horror stories and was told in 10 days. Not 10 business day cause 2 weeks later the poor guy was still in there.

On October 23, 2009 I finally got the ok to pick him up. All excited and ready to see this little guy I drove there. I was not allowed to get him from his cage but I did get him. He was very vocal in the crate and after signing the papers and giving the $25 donation off we were, but I did complain about the man before I left.

Once home I got him out and he was super thin, I mean really thin, and his fur was so dirty and to top it off was infested with fleas. I gave him a bath, and oh my the amount of dirty and junk that came off of him was incredible! but unlike any normal cat he didn't squirm in the water. I dried him off, and gave him food, but he wasn't eating so I force fed him a bit but something seemed wrong. He was weak and just looked terrible so I rushed him to the ER.

At the ER I was scared and just really in hopes that all would be ok, this kitty was special! I walked in to the room, and I hate that room, that room is where I had to say "Suja is too old and she is in pain" so we had to put her down (ferret) so I already had a bad experience there. The vet came in and explained what was wrong...

His body temperature is so low we can't get a reading. His flea infestation has made him anaemic and we have tried every leg and neck to get blood but we can't get a line. He is in shock, his gums, ears, eyes are so pale, this kitten has no chance of survival. He needs blood transfusions, and even then I honestly do not believe he will make it, I am so sorry.

My heart just sank. I mean it was like someone punched it out, grabbed it, tossed it on the floor and stomped on it. I called my fellow Lost Paws volunteer and asked her opinion, after she spoke to the vet she said "Lola I am so sorry" that meant we had to do what I feared, euthanasia. I cried so much, the vet tech who had told me she is pretty used to things like this also was not well and was a sweet support.

A few minutes later they brought him in wrapped up with hot water bottles. His little head sticking out with these big sad eyes and I told him how sorry I was, kissed him and gave him to the Vet. They gave me a paper with his little paw print and the kitty in a tiny box for the burial. Although it was through Lost Paws I paid out of pocket for this one, like I said before he was very special.

The Edison Shelter is a horrible, disgusting, inhumane , animal death trap! For 14 days this kitten was not cared for, and this is just one! I can't even imagen the rest of the animals in that facility. To have the cojones to give me an animal who was ill, hell to call yourselves an animal rescue is like Dr Kevorkian running a nursing home! I am so disgusted, hurt and sad, it should of not happened this way.

I am going to do everything that is in my power to expose this pathetic excuse of animal shelter. They will pay me back for the adoption fee and the medical bill. I will get justice for Ranger and all of the animals this place has ever mistreated and killed.

Rest in peace Ranger.

You are missed.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to give a compliment

Hello my dear friends. I write today with a simple message, compliments.

Compliments are something that everyone enjoys, a good compliment can make a persons day better! It can make a grumpy person feel well, a tad happier and perhaps even make a person nicer, at least for that moment. I happen to give people compliments often, if I happened to think someone is beautiful, or their shirt, hair, eyes, shoes, especially shoes, um anything. I don't care if I know them or not I will say how wonderful I think they are or taste in clothes and so on are, you get the point. I usually get a grin followed by a great heartfelt thank you and the person walks away with their head a lil bit higher and I believe with a lil skip in their step.

Ok so I got the point across that compliments are awesome! and here is the real reason I wanted to write about this, bad compliments, oh for the love of the holy grail people there are good, awesome compliments and then there are things that come out of a persons mouth that makes you wonder if their brain had a momentary spasm when they decided to speak.

I have often found myself in the "WTF" thought after someone, usually a guy who I do not know nor ever would want to, says something so ridiculous, stupid and/or hurtful that makes me want to be able to smack them on their forehead with a stamp that says "I iz dumb dumb"

Examples of moments where this would apply?

* "Hey, you, you a skinny fat girl" now here is the perfect example of why this man is a complete tool and why he is probably single and will be for as long as he keeps opening his mouth. What is a skinny fat girl? well according to a friend a girl who is thin but has a big behind. Why even mention that a person has a big body part as if the person has never known and at that particular moment will go "OMG I have a big ass? no way I never knew!" yeah not gonna happen. If at any moment you find someone attractive or wish to compliment them on their body, "you have a lovely shape" is much better that what that idiot said.

* "You clean up good" uhhh huh. Lets see this one, now this is from someone who has seen you perhaps in a different situation before where you were not really in the best moment of your "dress" up time and feels the need to tell you this but instead of saying "you looked like shit before, now you look decent" isn't a thing one wants to hear, how about "you look very nice" simple and to the point.

* "You would look better with bigger tits" do I even have to explain why this is wrong? apparently so cause why in the world would anyone say this to a person? shit for brains. No! bad, bad! never say that.

* Any time you are approaching a person and you don't know their name, I bet being called words like ma' - mamita- baby - sweetie - boo - princess - or whatever else you can imagen will not get you any where. Didn't know you then, don't want to know you now. If you think of it as being cute or original, no it is played out and if it has worked, you know getting a number or a date it has been pure luck.

* "You look great, but you have a pimple" again stop while you are ahead.

* "The things I would do to you" "SECURITY!"

* "You must taste delicious" once again, "SECURITY!"

I could go on and on, after all I could go in the the whole family part of it too, you know those family members that also have no brains and will say things that make you say "ah yes this is why I moved far, far away" but no, that would be a novel and I have things to do.

The point is, think before you speak, because one day you will get a great big smack across the face. If you want to compliment someone think of them as someone you somewhat care about, by this I mean if it were said to someone you respect or like how would it feel if they got a compliment that makes them do the Scooby Doo question noise? not cool. They are meant to make a person feel better not want to throw boiling water in to your face. So compliment wisely my friend... *insert the little rainbow and cue music* the more you know. :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Screaming in silence

In the great big city of Manhattan, New York, people come and people go at all times of the day and night. Noises are constant to the point of silence when you walk it's streets. People move through out it's concrete jungle as if they were the only ones in existence. The elements have no true effect with the hot sun, fast winds, pouring rain and freezing snow it does not matter what the walker, joggers, runners, cyclist, those in wheel chairs, young, old it does not alter the city very much or even at all.

Underground is not much different either. So many people just marching by as if were members of an ant colony on it's way to gather nourishment for their queen, the one who gives it, right, back, eventually. The noises do change from time to time, makes it even more interesting and annoying as well, well maybe that is just to me. It's bright and has a certain scent I don't think anyone can just be replicated also not sure if it's good or bad but it is unique.

Freely admiring the sights around one is hypnotised by the amounts of images. The mind just captures it all and in one small instant everyone and everything looks the same. Continue the journey at the pace of the beating heart and you become one of the ants.

No longer an individual the focus is moving along, getting to where it is you need to be and try not to look or hear anything around you in order to get there on time and then it happens, out of no where something starts to capture your attention. Just out of the blue a sound, an image seduces your eyes. You don't want to even divert your focus but the allure is just too strong.

For a second you don't quiet realise what it is you are witnessing as it gets your attention and you keep on moving. In slow motion you think a million things while your eyes gather the information shot through them so they can invade your brain. Traveling at the speed of light it covers your mind then takes an express shuttle to your heart. A double take is done to ensure that you have just seen what you think you did but the walking continues and by the time you can say damn it, a million more things come to mind and you don't know what to do, and if you should even do anything at all and as you think you should someone beats you to the punch, at that moment every person around you slows down to the point of almost stopping, doing the exact same thing you yourself went through just a moment ago.

Perhaps not the same thing goes through their body but I'd say pretty close, or so I think, no clue. Rewind... walking in Grand Central Station, packed as high as it could possibly be with people, animals, luggage, even random pieces of furniture, I looked around but became very much one of the herd. Tired, hungry, in pain, having a nicotine withdrawal, favourite knee high socks, pink and black stripes, broken hmph, back throbbing, trying to keep up with my faster than a cat crossing the street brother in heels, thirsty and just wanting to be home, even if it was a mess, just be home, so caught up in my own world, thinking how hard I have it and how miserable I am at that very moment, bam! it happened.

This tambourine was becoming increasingly loud. The rhythm was well not there but there was something about it that caught my attention, it was being played by a baby in a stroller. At first I thought "huh look at the baby aw just banging away and having fun" and kept walking, all of a sudden I hear a woman singing, not very well at all actually, it was sorta well it sucked and I kept walking thinking "aww look that mom is singing to her child" but then I thought, "wow that is pretty um loud for the baby ain't it?" and when I passed them I realised that I just witnessed something completely not expected.

The woman looked so, so very tired, tired of so many things but just exhausted. The baby looked healthy and happy, smiling and laughing, sweet and full of life. As I go to tell my brother something about this woman I realise he is no longer in sight so I stop and look around and I find him, giving the last bit of money we have to get home to this woman and her child.

Silence, and complete stillness surrounds my circle and I look down. Here I am walking, complaining, thinking to myself I wish to be some place else and here stands a woman who was dressed well, as if coming from a job interview, with a news paper on the floor and a smiling happy shiny child but she has dark circles under her eyes, she can't sing, holding a cup in one hand, in the middle of this chaotic rat maze not robbing anyone, not harassing anyone, not blatantly asking for anyone's help, although it is obvious help is desperately needed, she just stands there singing her little heart out in order to feed her flesh and blood.

Selfish and sad is the feeling that takes over. No longer is my pain running through my mind and body, no longer are my pathetic needs feeling urgency. Hunger, worry, feelings inside of me that were there just moments ago dissipate, wishing to be rich, rich in so many things like intelligence and with loads and loads of money in order to be able to reach out to that woman and her child, hug them and tell them it will all be ok is what now burns inside of me, but there is not a damn thing I did or could do so I continue to march to the beat of the screaming silence of the great big city of New York.