Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Come dance with me, come on!!! do a little dance with me!

Well, well cool news! I am going to Puerto Rico!
(You can dance now)

Alone! me, myself and freaking I!!!! That is right a mommy vacation, for me!

Oh I am really excited! I am thrilled, can you tell? CAUSE I AM!what does this mean? me and my new camera get to venture on a beautiful island. Looking at all the wonders of what the Island has to offer and the truth about how it being left behind. The people in PR are so full of life and yet they have to work so hard to have what little they have.

Puerto Rico is my favorite place in the world. It has my family, my friends and so many other things that I just get so nostalgic over almost all the time. The food, oh sweet drooling mouth, the food!

So I am supper excited! Let me share a few pictures from my last trip.





purple lilire


I have a lot of pics but not gonna post them all. I would love to do a series on homeless animals but I will need tissue and supplies because I know my heart will hurt when I see all these poor creatures in the streets.

Anyway I hope you are well.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Lola I am so darn happy for you, you deserve it! Have fun and take LOTS of pics.
