Monday, March 2, 2009

My chest is on fire!

Ohhhhhhhhhhh me sick! again. This time near bronchitis but it's ok I shall recover, I know it won't be fast but hey I hope it will be.

The monsters, I mean the children are being oh so very difficult, perhaps it's because I don't feel well that the things they do irritate the heck out of me. I had a break from them, my mother in law took them and instead of me relaxing and having quality time alone and with my passion, I was busy trying to battle the inevitable cold. So now that they are back I am a walking zombie.

But even though I am one, I had to obviously care for the kids, I swear moms should never get sick but we do, anyway gonna share a little story...

Elijah says he can't clean his room because he sees things that scare him, so what did I do?

Me: "Ok here is a crayon and a piece of paper. I want you to draw these things you see, draw it all ok"

E: (with a puzzled face) "ok"

Me: "details are important ok"

(Elijah draws)

A few minutes later he comes back with 4 monsters on a paper and a drawing of himself crying and says

E: "Here mommy, there on the paper"

Me: "Ok I see, aha yeah this looks kinda scary, mmm hmmm ok this is what's gonna happen. As you can see they are on the paper correct?"

E: "uhu"

Me: " ok by doing so we have trapped them in the paper"

E: (his eyes open wide) "oh k"

Me: "Ok so are you ready? (cut out Elijah from the drawing and fold the monsters in to a tiny block) now they are really trapped and you know where they are going?"

E: " WHERE?!"

Me: "In the freezer, so they can freeze for all eternity!"

E: "COOL!"

Me: "'and guess what we are going to do with the drawing of you, we are going to put it on the freezer door so you can guard the door"

E: "That. is. so. cool! thanks mommy!"

yay I saved the day and cleaning is getting done lol

Ok now for GREAT NEWS!

Lost Paws now has an official site!!! WOOOO HOOO!!!!

Lost Paws Animal Rescue

Isn't it awesome?! My husband and I worked on it, mostly him cause well this is what he does but I am so happy that we finally have a SITE!!! Tell me what you think :D

Oy well I'm off, need rest and tea :) I hope you are well.



  1. What a great idea on the monster thing! So smart. Sorry you aren't feeling well I hope you feel better soon. And WTG on the website!

  2. Thanks Tara :D

    Yeah it's like I ate glass and am swallowing it every time I have to swallow :( But no worries, it will pass, although my little guy woke up from a nap talking funny so I bet he's getting it.

    And That trick worked! Now I have to keep that paper in the freezer till he's 18 :D

    And thank you, I hope we get lots of adoptions ;)
