Thursday, May 14, 2009

This day could use some improvement

As much as I like awesome good news and happy, happy, joy, joy moments this day sucks! Both kids sick, waking up all hours of the night, lack of sleep, stupid weather! what a week a freaking rain wasn't enough for you? :waves fist at sky: animals who decide to not wait and knock over food bags and have a buffet, my car in the shop for 3 days and its' only going to cost $500 to fix and more grumble, grumble blah things :rolls eyes and takes a deep breath in:

So here are some picture, yeah yada yada yada hope your day is better than mine.

Oh you know what happened yesterday?! well of course not then why the hell am I asking? ok so I was in the back yard with my kiddo, having fun and I hear this weird plane like sound but it was way too close so I looked up and BAM! this black cloud of wasps! :runs around in circles screaming like a little girl: I got the kiddo and ran! It was horrible! but no one was stung, it was really scary. Ok more pictures.

alright apparently I can't add more so see ya.

Oh wait stupid me, figured it out, ok more pics.

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