Hard to believe some of these are family, them bastards never call, hey SLUG call me!
Well lets see, oh I got a letter from Cher, why are you laughing hysterically? CAts are really smart and fabulous with computers, anyway her letter :)
Hi Mommy Lola...from Cher Bear...
Just wanted to tell you I am being a good little kitty for Mommy Holly and her family!! I am well behaved, using the litter box, eating special bits, not picking on the furniture and getting along well with my new buddy, Joojie!
I snuggle with Mommy Holly at night and sometimes at my naptimes during the afternoon. My new buddy Joojie is very very fluffy...he has a fluffy tail I like to play with...he doesn't mind playing tag with me, but he makes sure he lets me know he is the chief kitty of the family. I like him...and I am trying to snuggle with him...in his kitty condo, which I have taken over...I think a few more days and we will be sharing it! I like to look out the doors and windows here, and I run from one end of the house to the other in the morning...its fun! I purr and do happy paws with Miss Holly the most...although I like all the humans in the house! Mommy Holly has deceided to name me Bella...it means beautiful...
she calls me bella, bella baby, bells, baby bella and peanut!!
Thank you mommy Lola for doing such a good job of raising me up from a itty bitty kitten...I am lucky you found me and took care of me and Mommy Holly is happy she found you and Lost Paws Rescue...
I hope you like the picture of me and Joojie!! I will send you more in a few weeks when I get alittle bigger!!
Love, hugs and purrs,
Bella a.k.a CherBear :)

Ain't that the cutest thing EVA?! I know it is.
In other news, RESCUE INK STARTS TODAY!!!! What is Rescue Ink you ask? The baddest animal lovers out there!
And their show starts tonight!! *dances*
On National Geographic @ 10 PM. Watch it or else! :D
Well, I need coffee and a bed, can't go to bed so I'll have coffee.
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