So lets see, bad news 2 of my friends have lost their fathers and they are both too far for me to console them and be there for them and I have no $ to help them out but it sucks that I can't be there with them physically. I know they have people who care for them very much so that helps but I wish the strength and lots of love.
To my friends I love you very much and I am sorry for the pain you are going through. I lost my father a long time ago and even though I did not have a great relationship with him I did care for him and wish things could of been different but as time goes by that feeling gets less painful and more of peace. So I wish you both a lot of peace.
For your fathers, rest in peace.
More bad news, medically I have no idea what is wrong with me but possibly Lyme disease is present and I am a lot of physical pain. Cross your fingers it's not otehr stuff the doctor thinks it is cause not sure if I could deal.
Now to good news, good news is the kids are well.

Also a hair product which seems pretty good made a deal with me, products for pictures, so I'm excited! If this works on my unmanageable hair I will be such a loyal customer and spread the word! so also cross your fingers for this to work out.
And SPRING is almost HERE!!! WOOO HOO!!!! Oh I hate winter, how I hate it! but Spring is a comin so yipeeeee and for happy, dirty fun here is proof of the wonderful weather change ;)

Well I hope life is being nice to you and your loved ones. Hugs to all.
I'm so sorry I hope you get well!! I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers!!