I looked, didn't see the kitten so I did what I would do, got under the car, in nice clothes and heel. I got my husband to get the jack and after getting the car higher, searching and searching the kitten was above the tire under the lining of some car part I don't know the name of, I reached up and in and got the "ferocious" beast out. It was this tiny little black kitten, so scared and small. I wanted to just bring him home but the man told me I couldn't, by law.
I called the next day to find out when the kitty would be ready for adoption since they Edison Shelter is a kill shelter and I have heard horror stories and was told in 10 days. Not 10 business day cause 2 weeks later the poor guy was still in there.
On October 23, 2009 I finally got the ok to pick him up. All excited and ready to see this little guy I drove there. I was not allowed to get him from his cage but I did get him. He was very vocal in the crate and after signing the papers and giving the $25 donation off we were, but I did complain about the man before I left.
Once home I got him out and he was super thin, I mean really thin, and his fur was so dirty and to top it off was infested with fleas. I gave him a bath, and oh my the amount of dirty and junk that came off of him was incredible! but unlike any normal cat he didn't squirm in the water. I dried him off, and gave him food, but he wasn't eating so I force fed him a bit but something seemed wrong. He was weak and just looked terrible so I rushed him to the ER.
At the ER I was scared and just really in hopes that all would be ok, this kitty was special! I walked in to the room, and I hate that room, that room is where I had to say "Suja is too old and she is in pain" so we had to put her down (ferret) so I already had a bad experience there. The vet came in and explained what was wrong...
His body temperature is so low we can't get a reading. His flea infestation has made him anaemic and we have tried every leg and neck to get blood but we can't get a line. He is in shock, his gums, ears, eyes are so pale, this kitten has no chance of survival. He needs blood transfusions, and even then I honestly do not believe he will make it, I am so sorry.
My heart just sank. I mean it was like someone punched it out, grabbed it, tossed it on the floor and stomped on it. I called my fellow Lost Paws volunteer and asked her opinion, after she spoke to the vet she said "Lola I am so sorry" that meant we had to do what I feared, euthanasia. I cried so much, the vet tech who had told me she is pretty used to things like this also was not well and was a sweet support.
A few minutes later they brought him in wrapped up with hot water bottles. His little head sticking out with these big sad eyes and I told him how sorry I was, kissed him and gave him to the Vet. They gave me a paper with his little paw print and the kitty in a tiny box for the burial. Although it was through Lost Paws I paid out of pocket for this one, like I said before he was very special.
The Edison Shelter is a horrible, disgusting, inhumane , animal death trap! For 14 days this kitten was not cared for, and this is just one! I can't even imagen the rest of the animals in that facility. To have the cojones to give me an animal who was ill, hell to call yourselves an animal rescue is like Dr Kevorkian running a nursing home! I am so disgusted, hurt and sad, it should of not happened this way.
I am going to do everything that is in my power to expose this pathetic excuse of animal shelter. They will pay me back for the adoption fee and the medical bill. I will get justice for Ranger and all of the animals this place has ever mistreated and killed.
Rest in peace Ranger.

You are missed.