On Sunday a woman came to adoption day in hopes to meet Cher, one of my foster babies. AS she held her and go tto know her and we spoke of her personality and what she was looking for, she fell in love, not so hard to do when they are who they are, and after a while the woman began to become ill, and so ill an ambulance was called.
I tried my best to take care of her and tried to keep her as comfortable as I could, the otehr volunteers were also very hands on and I am so proud of you Lyn, Jason and Rachael. Once the ambulance got there and she was on her way of being helped I was still so worried but a while later we got a call that she was getting better and her son informed us that she wanted Cher even after all that. A few hrs later her husband and son came to pick her up and off my foster baby went to her new home. Today I got an email that me realize once more that it is so worth it and I wanted to share it with you...
Hi Lola, Just wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to you for staying
with me when I wasn't feeling well at the adoption. I felt so embarrassed
and scared, but I appreciate you staying close and calling your mother! As
for Cher, she is adjusting pretty well. I introduced her and my persian
Jooj today, and they are checking each other out...She is more like, going
about her business of playing and exploring, and he just keeps her within
eye shot at all times to see what she is about. She has made an attempt to
be friendly to him, but he's not too sure yet. But, they are not fighting
or being hostel toward each other, so that's good! Cher also has busted a
move and decided she needs to check out all the rooms in the house! I
tried to keep her confined to the family room while she and Jooj got
acquainted, but she was too interested in him moving about the house! I put
her back in my son's room for a bit of relax time, (as she is most
comfortable there!), and she immediately sits down on the bed with me and
does all the loving things you mentioned!! She seems to respond to
instructions of "get down" or "NO' if she is somewhere I would prefer her
not to be! I hope in time Jooj and her will be best buddies! I will keep you
informed. Feel free to email me back!
Thanks for your tireless efforts to nurture and nurse this little baby to
health...she is certainly special!
Sincerely, H
I don't care how much trouble I get in with my in laws, I don't care how much I have to clean, I don't care if my heart breaks a little every time they leave my home because I know that when they do a new family will be formed and that my friends is why I love what I do.